when you need them, you'll call them, what are they?
A. family
B. friends
C. lovers
D. police
damn, face it man, if you give this answer to a primary school kid, no doubt the answer is D, but if i show this question to my housemates or friends... we all knew the answer. i got this idea when i saw a post from my secondary school mate in facebook. she stated that her friends doesn't give a shit about her and the stangers in facebook is treating her better. Firstly, i think that her theory can be applied on anyone, same goes her friend. i bet my school mate didn't even noticed her friends, and when she needed something, there she goes, complaints. i know i got this problem too, i complaint, but not like her, i moved on with new friends. STILL, i will have old friends, WHICH i still stay in constant contact with them, not just HI or BYE. i treat some old friends like an item from a garage sale, i still remember the good old days, but its not mine anymore, and there is a reason that i sold them of, COZ I"M getting something NEW! whooooohooooo! and sometimes, there's some item that you will never ever put into a garage sale, thats the best old friends.ps. if my ex school mate saw this, duh~ like i care. HAHAHAHAHAH!